Tuesday 2 December 2008

children and obesity get your children to eat healthy food

8 Keys to Get Your Children to Eat Healthy Food by Melanie Thomassian

Are you concerned about keeping your child's weight under control?
There's no doubt many parents are worried about childhood obesity.

So, what should your child be eating? Let's take a look at 8 key areas:

#1 Encourage children to eat regularly Make sure you're offering 3 meals, and 2-3 healthy snacks every day, from a wide variety of different healthy foods.

#2 Encourage children to eat fruits and vegetables Although some children aren't fussed on fruits and vegetables, they are packed with essential nutrients. So, try serve at least one fruit, or vegetable with each meal and snack offered.

#3 Encourage children to avoid unhealthy breakfast cereals While many breakfast cereals are marketed to children, they are far from suitable. Many breakfast cereal, cereal bars, and granola bars are so high in sugar they are no better than a candy bar.

Instead go for cereals that are whole grain, low sugar, low fat, and low in salt.

#4 Encourage children to eat dairy products Children under 2 years of age should be consuming full fat milk. However, above this age, lower fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, and sour cream varieties are suitable.

#5 Encourage children to limit sweet drinks Although children have a preference for soft drinks, squash, and fruit juices, they are extremely sweet, and provide practically zero nutritional value.

Try to limit these to special occasions, and serve mainly water or milk. Whole fruit juice is fine at breakfast.

#6 Encourage children to reduce their sugar intake Most kids these days eat excessive amounts of sugary foods, such as cookies, candy, and donuts. But, this type of food is not healthy for children, and should be limited to infrequent treats, and always in smaller portions.

#7 Encourage children to limit their fast food intake Fast food does not have to be a way of life for your children. It contains very little in terms of nutritional content, and a lot of fat, salt, sugar, and calories.

Teach your children while they are still young how to make healthy food choices, rather than filling them with fast food, and setting them on the fast-track to an unhealthy lifestyle.

#8 Don't encourage children to overeat Emphasize that they should only eat when they feel hungry, and stop when they begin to feel full. Also, never bribe or reward your children with food, such as using dessert as the prize for eating all of their dinner.
About the Author
For more articles on healthy eating, or to get your free ebook on how to break bad habits, visit the award winning Dietriffic.com. Authored by registered dietitian, Melanie Thomassian.